Archiv der Kategorie: MIR Research

Papers accepted for CIG and KDML conferences

The first paper summarizes the final results of the project group „Mobile music worlds – explorative games for navigation through digital music collections“ and will be presented at the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) (Granada, Spain, 11-14.09.2012): … Weiterlesen

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MIR Toolbox update

MIR Toolbox plugin for AMUSE has been updated: MIR Toolbox 1.2.1 has been replaced by 1.4:

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Soft Computing article

The results of a large study applying feature selection by SMS-EMOA for recognition of instruments in audio mixtures are available online and will be published in the special issue on evolutionary music of the journal Soft Computing – A Fusion … Weiterlesen

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Vista TV project started

The 2-year research project ViSTA-TV funded by European Union is started on 01.06.2012. The target of the project is to apply the actual data mining methods for analysis and recommendation of TV streams.

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GfKl 2011 publications by SIGMA members

The forthcoming post-conference proceedings of GfKl 2011 will include the following publications: N. Bauer, J. Schiffner, C. Weihs: Comparison of Classical and Sequential Design of Experiments in Note Onset Detection V. Mattern, I. Vatolkin, G. Rudolph: A Case Study about … Weiterlesen

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New ChromaToolbox and SonicAnnotator NNLS features in AMUSE

Two updates providing easy extraction of new harmony-related audio features within AMUSE have been recently accomplished: Update of Chroma Toolbox plugin The AMUSE Chroma Toolbox plugin was updated to the version 2.0 (see for more details on Chroma Toolbox). … Weiterlesen

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Eine interessante und aktuelle Zeitschriftenausgabe

Hier werden recht viele SIGMA-relevante Themen betrachtet: (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing – Special Issue on Music Signal Processing)

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Literatur zur Musikdatenanalyse

Liebe SIG-MA Mitglieder, es gibt einen interessanten Link zur Musikdatenanalyse, den mir vor kurzem mein Kollege Olaf Mersmann zugeschickt hat: Hier findet man eine Übersicht an verschiedensten Papern zum Thema Instrumenten-, Genreklassifikation u.a. Ich kann nicht garantieren, dass dies … Weiterlesen

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Runtime comparison of classifiers

The figure shows the runtime analysis of some popular classifiers for multi-objective feature selection identifying the piano occurrence in musical intervals. In my opinion it provides some very interesting details. X axis: hypervolume (minimizes the feature number and error). Y … Weiterlesen

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IEEE SPS magazine article

An overview article which very well presents past and current SIGMA activities has been published in the July issue of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: H. Blume, B. Bischl, M. Botteck, C. Igel, R. Martin, G. Rötter, G. Rudolph, W. Theimer, … Weiterlesen

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