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Archiv der Kategorie: Theses
Bachelor Thesis on the Multimodal AMUSE Extension
Clara Pingel’s bachelor thesis, titled „Erweiterung von AMUSE zur Verarbeitung mehrerer Modalitäten“ (Extension of AMUSE to Process Multiple Modalities, PDF in German) focuses on the further development of the AMUSE framework. The goal of the thesis was to extend the … Weiterlesen
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Master Thesis on Instrument Recognition
The thesis „Benedikt Adrian: Implementierung von hybriden Methoden zur Instrumentenerkennung in verrauschten Musikdaten“ (Implementation of Hybrid Methods for Instrument Recognition in Noisy Music Data, PDF in German) applies CNNs together with shallow classifiers for the recognition of instruments in polyphonic … Weiterlesen
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Bachelor thesis on music genre classification with Fuzzy KNN
The thesis „Philipp Ginsel: Strukturelle Komplexitätsmerkmale zur Musikgenre-Klassifikation mit Fuzzy-k-nearest-Neighbors“ (Structural complexity features for music genre classification with Fuzzy-k-nearest-Neighbors, PDF in German) examines different settings for extraction of structural complexity for prediction of music genres with Fuzzy KNN. The tested … Weiterlesen
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Bachelor thesis on optical recognition of bagpipe notation
The thesis „Andreas Jöbges: Optische Erkennung von Dudelsacknotation“ (Optical recognition of bagpipe notation, PDF in German) presents a system which produces digital score in „BWW“ format from scanned music pieces with the help of neural networks trained for the recognition … Weiterlesen
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Bachelor thesis on vocal recognition
The thesis „Florian Scholz: Gesangserkennung in polyphonen Musikaufnahmen“ (Vocal recognition in polyphonic music recordings, PDF in German) compares several methods for supervised recognition of vocals in music tracks. In particular, experiments with training and test sets of different genres are … Weiterlesen
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Bachelor thesis on the impact of cepstral features for emotion recognition
In the thesis „Philipp Kramer: Relevanz cepstraler Merkmale für Vorhersagen im Arousal-Valence Modell auf Musiksignaldaten“ (Relevance of cepstral features for predictions in arousal-valence model for music signals, PDF in German), several groups of features were analysed for the regression-based prediction … Weiterlesen
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Diploma thesis on feature processing for classification of instruments and genres
The task of the thesis „Ettiboa Adouakou: Zur Bedeutung verlaufspezifischer Merkmale bei Klassifikationsproblemen auf Musiksignaldaten“ (On the meaning of time-based feature aggregation for classification of audio signal data), PDF in German) was to compare several groups of time-based feature aggregation … Weiterlesen
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Master thesis on lyrics finished
Florian Treinat: Verwendung von Lyrics zur Generierung von Musik-Playlisten (Application of lyrics for generation of music playlists) (supervisors: Dietmar Jannach, Iman Kamehkhosh, e-Services Research Group, TU Dortmund) The goal of this work was to improve the quality of music recommendations … Weiterlesen
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Master thesis on Twitter music data finished
Mike Gösker: #nowplaying: Analyse musikbezogener Twitterdaten (Analysis of music-related Twitter data) (supervisors: Dietmar Jannach, Lukas Lerche, e-Services Research Group, TU Dortmund) In his master’s thesis Mike Gösker implemented and evaluated a set of techniques to generate music track recommendations based … Weiterlesen
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Bachelor thesis on generation of drum accompaniment to improvised Jazz solos
The goal of the thesis (PDF in German) was to develop a system for the automatic generation of drum accompaniment to improvised Jazz solos. This is solved by means of an evolutionary algorithm. A list of rules is defined for … Weiterlesen
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