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Archiv der Kategorie: AMUSE & MIR Software
Job offer for a student assistant
For assistance during software project „Music Informatics“, a position as a student assistant (8 hours per week) is offered at the Chair of Algorithm Engineering, Department of Computer Science, TU Dortmund. Please see the full description in German.
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, General, Teaching Activities
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AMUSE paper accepted for SIGIR
The following paper was accepted for SIGIR conference: I. Vatolkin, P. Ginsel, and G. Rudolph: Advancements in the Music Information Retrieval Framework AMUSE over the Last Decade Before the presentation at SIGIR, we will update the user manual (the current … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, Publications
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AMUSE Repository Moved
The repository of Advanced MUSic Explorer has moved to: https://github.com/AdvancedMUSicExplorer/AMUSE
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research
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Job offer for a student assistant
For assistance during software project „Music Informatics“, a position as a student assistant (8 hours per week) is offered at the Chair of Algorithm Engineering, Department of Computer Science, TU Dortmund. Please see the full description in German.
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research, SIGMA, Teaching Activities
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AMUSE support of Java 1.8 and RapidMiner 5
Two recent updates (thanks to Frederik Heerde!): – AMUSE can be started now with Java 1.8 (in the older version, using of Java 1.8 led to problems for classification with trained models). – Integrated RapidMiner library was updated to version … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research
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MIR Toolbox update
MIR Toolbox plugin for AMUSE has been updated: MIR Toolbox 1.2.1 has been replaced by 1.4: http://amuse-framework.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/amuse-framework/amusePluginMIRToolbox/
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research
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New ChromaToolbox and SonicAnnotator NNLS features in AMUSE
Two updates providing easy extraction of new harmony-related audio features within AMUSE have been recently accomplished: Update of Chroma Toolbox plugin The AMUSE Chroma Toolbox plugin was updated to the version 2.0 (see http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/resources/MIR/chromatoolbox/ for more details on Chroma Toolbox). … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software
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Several new evolutionary strategies developed for the publication mentioned in http://sig-ma.de/2010/87 are now available in AMUSE for optimization of feature selection. It is possible to adjust the mutation probability based on the correlation with the label and to manage the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software
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RapidMiner R plugin
Data Mining framework RapidMiner has now connection to R! Many further statistical methods and even the application of any R scripts becomes possible. For further details see: http://rapid-i.com/content/view/219/1/lang,en/ In future we are going to integrate the new RapidMiner into AMUSE.
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research
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Bug fixed
The mapping of song partitions to songs was not done correctly during the n-fold cross-validation; now this bug has been fixed. Please checkout the new AMUSE version!
Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software
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