Archiv der Kategorie: MIR Research

RecSyS paper accepted

The paper on the analysis of playlist characteristics (D. Jannach, I. Kamehkhosh, and G. Bonnin – Analyzing the Characteristics of Shared Playlists for Music Recommendation) is accepted for the 6th ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommender Systems and Social Web.

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ECDA best paper award

At the opening session of European Conference on Data Analysis 2014 in Bremen, Daniel Stoller received one of two „Best Paper“ awards for ECDA 2013 postproceeding paper, „Impact of Frame Size and Instrumentation on Chroma-based Automatic Chord Recognition“. With Daniel … Weiterlesen

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Update of the internal music database

The music database for genre and style recognition has been extended with an artist-independent test set TSAI120. This set has the same genre and approximately the same style distribution and is designed to evaluate the possible overfitting towards particular artists … Weiterlesen

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PhD ready

The PhD is available online: Bernd Bischl – Model and Algorithm Selection in Statistical Learning and Optimization.

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ISMIR paper accepted

The paper G. Bonnin and D. Jannach – Evaluating the Quality of Generated Playlists Based on Hand-Crafted Samples is accepted for ISMIR 2013 (list of all accepted papers is available here). ISMIR 2013 will take place on 4-8.11.2013 in Curitiba, Brazil.

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Collaborative Research Centre SFB 823 renewed for another 4 years

DFG-funded collaborative research centre (SFB) 823 „Statistical modelling of nonlinear dynamic processes“ has received a renewal of funding for additional 4 years till 2017. In projects B3 and C2 of this SFB several members of SIGMA will continue their research … Weiterlesen

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PhD available online

PhD Improving Supervised Music Classification by Means of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Feature Selection is available online. The main topics of the work are (1) the development of interpretable high-level audio features related to music theory for and (2) evolutionary multi-objective feature selection … Weiterlesen

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WASP paper accepted

The paper I. Vatolkin – Measuring the Performance of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Feature Selection for Prediction of Musical Genres and Styles is accepted for the 2nd Workshop Audiosignal- und Sprachverarbeitung (WASP). WASP is organised within INFORMATIK 2013 and will take place … Weiterlesen

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Accepted SIGMA publications for GfKl 2012 post-proceedings

Several papers with SIGMA contributors have been accepted for GfKl 2012 post-proceedings: N. Bauer, K. Friedrichs, J. Schiffner and C. Weihs – Tone Onset Detection Using an Auditory Model M. Eichhoff and C. Weihs – Detection of Musical Instruments in … Weiterlesen

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EMO paper accepted

A paper comparing instrument-specific and generic features for several instrument identification tasks is accepted for Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO), Sheffield, UK, 19-22.03.2013 I. Vatolkin, A. Nagathil, W. Theimer and R. Martin – Performance … Weiterlesen

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