Archiv der Kategorie: Jobs

PhD and PostDoc positions on „Music Processing for Cochlear Implants“

The Institute of Communication Acoustics at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, has open positions for a doctoral researcher and a post-doctoral researcher in the field of music processing for cochlear implants, which are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The … Weiterlesen

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Job offer as student assistant at the Chair for AI Methodology, RWTH

A position as student assistant for the support in teaching activities and empirical studies for optimisation of music data analysis using Artificial Intelligence is open and should be filled as soon as possible. For details, please see the PDF.

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Job offer in computational music theory

A PhD/PostDoc position is available within a new lab for computational approaches to music theory, analysis and composition (TU Dortmund, the In­sti­tute of Music and Musicology). Please see the full description (in German).

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