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Archiv der Kategorie: MIR Research
Music data analysis book can be pre-ordered now!
Weihs, C., Jannach, D., Vatolkin, I., Rudolph, G. (Eds.): Music data analysis: foundations and applications. https://www.crcpress.com/Music-Data-Analysis-Foundations-and-Applications/Weihs-Jannach-Vatolkin-Rudolph/p/book/9781498719568 This book edited and co-authored by SIGMA members and several partners provides a comprehensive overview of music data analysis, from introductory material to advanced … Weiterlesen
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UMAP paper accepted
Jannach, D., Kamehkhosch, I., Bonnin, G.: Biases in Automated Music Playlist Generation: A Comparison of Next-Track Recommending Techniques, User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2016), Halifax, CA, 2016 In this work, the results of a multi-metric comparison of different academic … Weiterlesen
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Master thesis on lyrics finished
Florian Treinat: Verwendung von Lyrics zur Generierung von Musik-Playlisten (Application of lyrics for generation of music playlists) (supervisors: Dietmar Jannach, Iman Kamehkhosh, e-Services Research Group, TU Dortmund) The goal of this work was to improve the quality of music recommendations … Weiterlesen
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Master thesis on Twitter music data finished
Mike Gösker: #nowplaying: Analyse musikbezogener Twitterdaten (Analysis of music-related Twitter data) (supervisors: Dietmar Jannach, Lukas Lerche, e-Services Research Group, TU Dortmund) In his master’s thesis Mike Gösker implemented and evaluated a set of techniques to generate music track recommendations based … Weiterlesen
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Bachelor thesis on generation of drum accompaniment to improvised Jazz solos
The goal of the thesis (PDF in German) was to develop a system for the automatic generation of drum accompaniment to improvised Jazz solos. This is solved by means of an evolutionary algorithm. A list of rules is defined for … Weiterlesen
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Master thesis on music restructuring finished
This thesis addressed the problem of automatically rearranging any given music piece based on user-defined constraints. Rearranged music pieces are generated by playing back the original piece and jumping from one position in the original to another at specific times. … Weiterlesen
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Accepted papers for RecSys and ISMIR
Two papers were accepted for upcoming conferences: D. Jannach, L. Lerche, I. Kamehkhosh: Beyond „Hitting the Hits“ – Generating Coherent Music Playlist Continuations with the Right Tracks. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2015), Vienna, 2015 … Weiterlesen
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Two papers accepted
This month two papers were accepted. The first one will appear in post-proceedings of ECDA 2014 and compares audio features and playlist statistics for music classification: I. Vatolkin, G. Bonnin, D. Jannach – Comparing Audio Features and Playlist Statistics for … Weiterlesen
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EMO paper accepted
The paper I. Vatolkin – Exploration of Two-Objective Scenarios on Supervised Evolutionary Feature Selection: a Survey and a Case Study (Application to Music Categorisation) is accepted for EMO 2015. The conference will take place on 29.3-1.4.2015 in Guimarães, Portugal.
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A survey article on playlist generation available online
The article G. Bonnin and D. Jannach – Automated Generation of Music Playlists: Survey and Experiments, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 47, No. 2, Article 26 is now available online. The paper is a detailed survey on playlist generation. First, different … Weiterlesen
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