Master thesis on music classification ready

Master thesis Lena Brüder – Music classification using Constant-Q
based Features
is available (supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin and Dr. Wolfgang Theimer).

One of the main outcomes of the study was the recognition of music personal categories using only a few of positive example songs with optional negative songs. The slides of the presentation are here.

The source code is available here:

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GECCO 2013 DETA Track Call

Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts track (DETA) @ GECCO 2013
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference

July 6-10, 2013
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Submission deadline: January 23, 2013
Camera-ready submission: April 17, 2013
GECCO-2013 conference: July 06-10, 2013

The arts, music, and games are key application fields for computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, and related techniques. This track explicitly focuses on these areas, strengthening a domain of high scientific, commercial, and cultural relevance. We invite submissions describing original work involving the use of computational intelligence in the creative arts, including design, games, and music. Works of a methodological, experimental, or theoretical nature will be considered.

We welcome your submissions and participation!

Further detail here:

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EMO paper accepted

A paper comparing instrument-specific and generic features for several instrument identification tasks is accepted for Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO), Sheffield, UK, 19-22.03.2013

I. Vatolkin, A. Nagathil, W. Theimer and R. Martin – Performance of Specific vs. Generic Feature Sets in Polyphonic Music Instrument Recognition

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Guest talk by Matthias Mauch

Dr. Matthias Mauch from Queen Mary University of London will give a talk within statistical colloquium on Thursday, 08.11.2012 (room CDI 120, TU Dortmund)
„Teasing the Music out of Digital Data – my first five years of Music Informatics Research“

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Papers accepted for CIG and KDML conferences

The first paper summarizes the final results of the project group „Mobile music worlds – explorative games for navigation through digital music collections“ and will be presented at the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) (Granada, Spain, 11-14.09.2012):

A. Jordan, D. Scheftelowitsch, J. Lahni, J. Hartwecker, M. Kuchem, M. Walter-Huber, N. Vortmeier, T. Delbruegger, Ü. Güler, I. Vatolkin, and M. Preuss – BeatTheBeat: Music-Based Procedural Content Generation In a Mobile Game

The second paper examines the possibilities to reduce the number of music training instances based on N-Gram sorting with the following removal of outliers and similar frequent instances. It will be presented at the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning (KDML) (Dortmund, Germany, 12-14.09.2012):

I. Vatolkin, M. Preuss, and G. Rudolph – Training Set Reduction Based on 2-Gram Feature Statistics for Music Genre Recognition

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MIR Toolbox update

MIR Toolbox plugin for AMUSE has been updated: MIR Toolbox 1.2.1 has been replaced by 1.4:

Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research | Schreib einen Kommentar

Soft Computing article

The results of a large study applying feature selection by SMS-EMOA for recognition of instruments in audio mixtures are available online and will be published in the special issue on evolutionary music of the journal Soft Computing – A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications:

I. Vatolkin, M. Preuß, G. Rudolph, M. Eichhoff, C. Weihs: Multi-Objective Evolutionary Feature Selection for Instrument Recognition in Polyphonic Audio Mixtures.

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Protokoll von 19. SIGMA am 18.06.2012 [Lehrstuhl für Computergestütze Statistik]


Die zwei Kapitel „Foundations of Music“ und „Physics of Sound“ werden zu einem zusammen gefasst („The Musical Signal“). „Music Theory and Music Perception“ wird in „Musical Structures and their Perception“ umbenannt.

Das einführende Kapitel „Goals and Problems“ wird durch Beispiele ergänzt. Die Stichpunkte des Kapitels sind in Repository eingecheckt.

In der Datei book.tex sind Notationsbeispiele. Symbolliste wird vorne definiert, beim Hinzufügen neuer Symbole sollen die Personen den eigenen Namen dazu schreiben. Symbole, die übergreifend für mehrere Kapitel gelten, sollen mithilfe von \newcommand definiert werden.

Vektoren werden grundsätzlich als Spaltenvektoren definiert; transponierte Vektoren werden mit „T“ markiert.

Es wurden zwar keine Deadlines zum Schreiben von Kapiteln festgelegt, es wird allerdings erwartet, dass die ersten vollständigen Texte bis zu der nächsten Sitzung entstehen. Dabei kann gleichzeitig an allen Kapiteln gearbeitet werden.

Die nächste SIGMA-Sitzung

Der Link zu Umfrage für SIGMA #20: (Die Umfrage wird Ende Juni abgeschlossen, bitte tragen Sie sich zeitnah ein!). Der Ort wird später festgelegt.

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Vista TV project started

The 2-year research project ViSTA-TV funded by European Union is started on 01.06.2012. The target of the project is to apply the actual data mining methods for analysis and recommendation of TV streams.

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Project group finished

The project group “Mobile music worlds – explorative games for navigation through digital music collections” is finished; the short summary of results is provided by a poster.

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