The program of the following 55th SIGMA meeting on 16.06.2023, 14:00-16:00, which takes place at the Chair of Algorithm Engineering, Deparment of Computer Science, TU Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, room 202, and online (please send an email to igor.vatolkin [at] if you wish to get the Zoom link):

14:00-14:05 Welcome greetings

14:05-14:35 Bachelor’s thesis (results)
Alhuseen Ali: Comparison between Artificial Neural Networks and Traditional Classifiers for the Suppression of Background Noise

14:35-15:05 Research study
Leonard FrickeApplication of AugmentedNet for Different Sound Bodies

15:05-15:35 Conference study
Igor Vatolkin: Musical Genre Recognition based on Deep Neural Network Predictions of Harmony, Instrumentation, and Segments

15:35-15:55 Conferences and calls, miscellaneous, next meeting

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