Call for Abstracts: „Statistical Musicology“ Session, ECDA 2018

We would like to announce a Session „Statistical Musicology“ at the 5th European Conference on Data Analysis, July 4 – 6, 2018, in Paderborn (Germany).

The ECDA conferences are well-known for both, their theoretical and their practical contributions, on various fields of classification and data analysis. The session is open to all topics in the field. The idea is to give all statistically oriented groups in the field a forum to improve communication as well as to give us the chance to also join statistical methodology oriented sessions on supervised and unsupervised learning and data analysis in general at the conference.

Please note that abstracts have to be submitted until April 1, 2018. More information and templates can be found under: Accepted papers corresponding to presentations will be published in the journal „Archives of Data Science, Series A“. Full papers can be submitted until September 15, 2018.

C. Weihs and I. Vatolkin
(Session Organizers)

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