Papers accepted for CIG and KDML conferences

The first paper summarizes the final results of the project group „Mobile music worlds – explorative games for navigation through digital music collections“ and will be presented at the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) (Granada, Spain, 11-14.09.2012):

A. Jordan, D. Scheftelowitsch, J. Lahni, J. Hartwecker, M. Kuchem, M. Walter-Huber, N. Vortmeier, T. Delbruegger, Ü. Güler, I. Vatolkin, and M. Preuss – BeatTheBeat: Music-Based Procedural Content Generation In a Mobile Game

The second paper examines the possibilities to reduce the number of music training instances based on N-Gram sorting with the following removal of outliers and similar frequent instances. It will be presented at the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning (KDML) (Dortmund, Germany, 12-14.09.2012):

I. Vatolkin, M. Preuss, and G. Rudolph – Training Set Reduction Based on 2-Gram Feature Statistics for Music Genre Recognition

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