GECCO track related to digital entertainment

GECCO 2011 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 12-16, Dublin, Ireland)  offers this year a new track „Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts“. Submission deadline is 09.02.2011.

Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts encompass the young areas of games, music and arts and all aspects of supportive computational methods. Arts, musics and games are currently becoming key application fields for genetic and evolutionary computation and related techniques. Indeed, they match up well with the desire of innovative game production and creative artists active in music and visual design. Moreover, they pair
up well, as game development depends on visual and music/sound creativity. This new frontiers track explicitly focusses on these areas and propels joint works, thereby strengthening a currently forming area of high scientific, commercial, and cultural interest.

This track invites submissions that present original work on the use of computational intelligence techniques and related algorithms in games, music and arts, be it of methodological, experimental or theoretical nature. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:

– Automated content generation
– Biologically-inspired creativity
– Evolutionary arts
– Virtual world
– Game artifical intelligence
– Educational/serious games
– Intelligent interactive narrative
– Learning and adaptation in games
– Theoretical or experimental analysis of CI techniques for games, music and arts
– Related competitions or benchmarking
– Player satisfaction
– Music in games, games on music

*** Important Dates ***
– Submission deadline: **** February 9, 2011 *****
– Notification of paper acceptance: March 23, 2011
– Camera-ready submission: April 8, 2011
– GECCO-2011 Conference: July 12-16, 2011

*** Submission guidelines ***

*** Track chairs ***
– Mike Preuss, TU Dortmund,
– Christian Gagne, Universite Laval,

GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ACM SIGEVO).

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