Archiv der Kategorie: General

Student job offer

We are searching for a student who has some background in MIR (music information retrieval) and has solid programming skills. The current task is limited to appr. 100 hours. If you know anybody who may be interested, please contact me!

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GECCO paper accepted

A paper is accepted for the GECCO conference: I. Vatolkin, M. Preuß, G. Rudolph – Multi-Objective Feature Selection in Music Genre and Style Recognition Tasks

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Mögliche Konferenzen zur Ausrichtung eines SIGMA-Workshops

ITG Conference on Electronic Media Technology (ehemals „Dortmunder Fernsehseminar“), Workshop für 2012 IEEE WASPAA –  Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY,  October 16 -19, 2011 IEEE ICASSP: 37th … Weiterlesen

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