Archiv des Autors: Igor Vatolkin


The program of the following 49th SIGMA meeting on 18.06.2021, 10:00-12:10, which takes place online(please send an email to igor.vatolkin [at] if you wish to get the Zoom link): 10:00-10:05 Welcome greetings 10:05-10:25 Conference studyMaria Heinze, Frieder Stolzenburg (Hochschule … Weiterlesen

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AMUSE paper accepted for SIGIR

The following paper was accepted for SIGIR conference: I. Vatolkin, P. Ginsel, and G. Rudolph: Advancements in the Music Information Retrieval Framework AMUSE over the Last Decade Before the presentation at SIGIR, we will update the user manual (the current … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, Publications | Schreib einen Kommentar


The program of the following 48th SIGMA meeting on 15.03.2021, 14:00-16:15, which takes place online(please send an email to igor.vatolkin [at] if you wish to get the Zoom link): 14:00-14:05 Welcome greetings 14:05-14:40 Master’s thesis (final results)Stephan Steup: Perception … Weiterlesen

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AMUSE Repository Moved

The repository of Advanced MUSic Explorer has moved to:

Veröffentlicht unter AMUSE & MIR Software, MIR Research | Schreib einen Kommentar

Teaching in Winter Term 2020/2021

Two courses will take place during the winter term at TU Dortmund (web pages in German): Interdisciplinary lecture „Music data analysis“ (Mondays, 10-12) Software project „Music informatics“ (Mondays, 14-18)

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Master Thesis on Instrument Recognition

The thesis „Benedikt Adrian: Implementierung von hybriden Methoden zur Instrumentenerkennung in verrauschten Musikdaten“ (Implementation of Hybrid Methods for Instrument Recognition in Noisy Music Data, PDF in German) applies CNNs together with shallow classifiers for the recognition of instruments in polyphonic … Weiterlesen

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Two Papers Presented at WCCI 2020

Two papers were presented during WCCI 2020: Vatolkin, I.: Evolutionary Approximation of Instrumental Texture in Polyphonic Audio Recordings [evaluates new features based on evolutionary approximation of instrumental texture for instrument and genre recognition] Ginsel, P., Vatolkin, I. Rudolph, G.: Analysis … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter MIR Research, Publications | Schreib einen Kommentar


The program of the following 47th SIGMA meeting on 19.06.2020, 14:00-16:15, which takes place online: 14:00-14:05 Welcome greetings 14:05-14:25 Conference study Benjamin Lentz: Harmonic/Percussive Sound Separation and Spectral Complexity Reduction of Music Signals for Cochlear Implant Listeners 14:25-15:00 Master … Weiterlesen

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Call for Papers: GECCO DETA Track

Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts Track @ GECCO in Cancun, Mexico, July 8th-12th 2020, invites for submissions describing original work involving the use of computational intelligence techniques in the creative arts, including design, games, and music. Works of a methodological, … Weiterlesen

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New book: Applications in Statistical Computing

The book Bauer, N., Ickstadt, K., Lübke, K., Szepannek, G., Trautmann, H., Vichi, M (Eds.): Applications in Statistical Computing: From Music Data Analysis to Industrial Quality Improvement, Springer, has recently been published. This volume presents a selection of research papers … Weiterlesen

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