The program of the following 43rd SIGMA meeting on 27.07.2018, 14:00-16:00, which takes place at the Department of Music and Musicology, TU Dortmund, Emil-Figge-Straße 50, room 4307:

14:00-14:05 Welcome greetings

14:05-14:30 Master thesis
Eric Gödel: What is Open-Earness? An Online Study to Deal with Music as a Basis for a Definition

14:30-14:50 Master thesis (introduction and preliminary results)
Frederik Heerde: Construction and Evolutionary Optimisation of Fuzzy Rule Bases for Classification of Music Genres

14:50-15:10 Conference study
Iman Kamehkhosh: How Automated Recommendations Affect the Playlist Creation Behavior of Users

15:10-15:30 Conference study
Igor Vatolkin: Measurement of Robustness of Features and Classification Models on Degraded Data Sets in Music Classification

15:30-15:45 Software demo
Frederik Heerde: Extensions to Annotation Editor in AMUSE

15:45-15:55 Miscellaneous, next meeting

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