The program of the following 37th SIGMA meeting on 19.12.2016, 14:00-16:20, which takes place at Faculty of Statistics, TU Dortmund, Mathematics Building, room M/E27
(talks on bachelor theses in German):

14:00-14:05 Welcome greetings

14:05-14:30 Bachelor thesis
Alex Runge: Analysis of energy features for prediction of emotions in music

14:30-14:55 Bachelor thesis
Philipp Hallmeier: Modelling of frequency and amplitude modulation

14:55-15:20 Bachelor thesis + Demo
Fabian Ostermann: Generation of drum accompaniment to improvised Jazz solos

15:20-15:30 Short break

15:30-15:45 Bachelor thesis
Florian Scholz: Recognition of vocals in polyphonic music recordings

15:45-16:00 ISMIR conference paper
Daniel Stoller: Analysis and classification of phonation modes in singing

16:00-16:20 Coursebook on music data analysis, teaching exercises and slides, miscellaneous, next meeting

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